iMasons is a non-profit, professional association of technology and business leaders who own and operate some of the biggest digital infrastructures in the world. A community of men and women motivated to make a better connected world for human beings with a vision to Unite the Builders of the Digital Age by enabling our global membership to Connect, Grow, and Give Back.
Following the Global Member Summit (Americas) webinar held in April, iMasons held the Global Member Summit (APAC) webinar in May 21.TGGC members were invited to attend the webinar. At the meeting, Dr. Wang Gang, honorary chairman of TGGC & Alibaba infrastructure integration architect, shared five sustainable development strategies of data center with nearly 100 participants.

iMasons创始人兼主席Dean Nelson主持本次峰会
SECTION1:Fireside chats with Industry leaders

Dean与嘉宾Sunita Bottse(MD SUPERNAP)的视频访谈,畅谈绿色与可持续发展
Fireside Chat with Sunita Bottse(MD SUPERNAP), talking about Green and sustainable development
Sunita Bottse是SUPERNAP(泰国)的董事总经理,她负责APAC最先进的Uptime Tier IV级数据中心的损益管理。她负责设计,交付和启动的各个方面,从蓝图到上线,涵盖技术和商业功能。她还被DCD认可为亚太地区数据中心和云计算最有影响力的管理者者之一,这是唯一一位获得如此殊荣的泰国人。
Sunita Bottse is Managing Director of SUPERNAP (Thailand) where she has P&L responsibility for APACs most advanced Tier IV data center. She led all aspects of the design and start-up, from blueprint to go-live, encompassing technical and commercial functions. She has also been recognized by DCD as one of the top data center and cloud influencers in APAC, the only Thai to be so recognized.

Sunita's feedback combined with the ideas by the Sustainability Committee

Dean与富士通大洋洲业务总监Blaise Porter的视频访谈
Fireside Chat with Blaise Porter(Director, Responsible Business for Fujitsu Oceania)
布莱特·波特(Blaise Porter)是富士通大洋洲负责人的业务总监,她的职责包括可持续性计划,以及与负责澳大利亚、新西兰和全球范围内的社区,多样化与包容性,负责和道德运营规范的负责任商业领域的负责任合作。
Blaise Porter is Director of Responsible Business for Fujitsu Oceania. Her role includes direct oversight of the organization’s sustainability program, as well as collaboration with leads for the Responsible Business dimensions of Community, Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing, and Ethical Operating Practices, both within Australia & New Zealand, and globally.

Blaise's feedback combined with the ideas by the Sustainability Committee
Feedback from more meeting participants will be combined with the ideas already generated by the Sustainability Committee to develop an Action Plan. That Action Plan will be shared publicly during the Global UN Sustainability Summit in September 2020.
SECTION2: The Vision - What does it mean to you?
The iMasons aim to coordinate the global Digital Infrastructure industry to develop a Sustainability Action Plan. The iMasons Vision for sustainable growth - is that EVERY CLICK IMPROVES THE FUTURE. A future where Digital Infrastructure contributes to the economy and society without harming the planet.

The iMasons sustainable development vision, and we have a common industry vision!

Panel and interactive feedback: Uniting on a Common Industry Vision, and the Vision - What does it mean to you?
在座谈会上,iMasons创始人兼主席Dean Nelson与TGGC名誉主席&阿里巴巴基础设施一体化架构师汪刚博士(David Wang)、朝亚执行副总裁刘雅丽(Yali.Liu)、Rackbank CEO及新意网SUNeVision CEO一起畅谈共同的行业愿景。
At the panel, Dean Nelson, founder and chairman of imasons, and David Wang, honorary chairman of TGGC & Alibaba infrastructure integration architect, and Liu Yali, executive vice president of Chaoya, and CEO of Rackbank, and CEO of SUNeVision , talked about the common industry vision.

• 降低排放 –从生命周期的碳排放开始
• 消除浪费 – 包括能源,热,水,闲置能力,多余的冗余等。减少,重复使用,回收!
• 以人为本 – 在我们所在的范围内提高社区内人民的生活质量
• 叠加效应 – 个人和公司共同努力可以取得更好的效果
How we make decisions - the efforts we choose to pursue shall:
• Reduce emissions - starting with life-cycle carbon emissions
• Eliminate waste - including energy, heat, water, unused capacity, unneeded redundancy, etc. Reduce, reuse, recycle!
• Be People Positive - Increase the quality of life in the communities where we locate
• Compound our impact - Individuals and companies can do more working together
环节三:工作会议 - 可持续发展倡议
SECTION3: Working Session - Sustainability Initiatives

Dr. Wang Gang contributes to the sustainable development strategy of iMasons
通过这些提议和努力,我们可以实现我们的价值观并在愿景上取得进步。The programs through which we live our values and make progress on the vision.
- 统一行业的可持续发展愿景和行动
- 使可再生能源随处可见
- 定义可持续数据中心框架
- 通过采购推动可持续发展
- 通过创新取得明显的效率提升

Unify industry on sustainability vision and actions
围绕宗旨“每次点击都能改善未来”。我们应建立全行业对共同愿景和统一计划的承诺,以达到行业共同行动的叠加效果。 (即通过共同努力,可以取得更大的成绩。)
Problem: The digital infrastructure industry lacks a common sustainability vision. We do not speak in one voice to vendors, policy makers, or the public. These mixed messages and uncoordinated actions cause confusion and slow progress.
Tweet: Align our community so “Every click improves the future”.
Description: Establish an industry-wide commitment to a common vision and unified plans, compounding the effect of community actions. (We can do more together)

Make renewable energy available everywhere
挑战:我们缺乏24x7 电网规模的基本负荷可再生能源解决方案。大型公司对可再生能源进行独立投资,而不是结合区域需求来提供市场可见性,从而使投资者和监管机构能够定义和实施框架,激励措施和解决方案以支持该计划。
如果为所有市场上提供 100%的24/7 可使用的再生能源,那么与整个行业内的参与者以及政策制定者共同努力,在全球市场范围内建立再生能源资源,并使能具有区域性获取能力的有成本优势的再生能源资源。
Problem: We lack 24x7 grid-scale base-load renewable energy solutions. Large companies invest independently in renewable energy rather than combining regional demand to provide market visibility enabling investors and regulators to define and implement frameworks, incentives, and solutions to support it.
Tweet: Provide access to 100% 24/7 renewable energy in all markets
Description: Work together across the industry and with policy makers to build capacity and enable location-based access to cost-effective renewable energy in all markets globally

Define Sustainable Data Center Framework
Problem: We lack a common, industry-wide, end-to-end view of what makes a data center sustainable throughout its life-cycle.
Tweet: Make sustainable design and operations the default approach
Description: Establish an industry best practice framework for the design, build and operation of a full life cycle aware sustainable data center to help guide owner/operators, providers, supply chain professionals, and policy makers.

Drive sustainability through Procurement
挑战:RFP 的设计以成本和可靠性为优先,可持续性为次要。这种做法不利于设计和实施可持续的产品和解决方案。
Problem: RFPs are designed with cost and reliability as priority. Sustainability is secondary. This is counterproductive to designing and implementing sustainable products and solutions.
Tweet: Align purchase specs to sustainability goals
Description: Leverage our combined purchasing power by aligning procurement specs for high-priority products/services with sustainability values.

Achieve radical efficiency through Innovation
通过在生态约束下创新设计来提高根本效率。挑战旧的思维方式,激发聪明的人,团队和公司寻找新的解决方案,通过在“人为约束”下进行设计来从根本上提高端到端效率。 (即假设没有额外的能源,内存或时间,而您必须使用现有的资源。)
Problem: We are using climate impacting resources because they are plentiful and cheap. Innovation is driven by economic constraint not by ecological constraints. The pace of innovation is too slow to reverse climate change. This requires radical new approaches to solve this problem within planetary boundaries.
Tweet: Drive radical efficiency by designing under ecological constraint.
Description: Challenge old paradigms and inspire smart people, teams and companies to find new and innovative solutions to radically improve end-to-end efficiency by designing under “artificial constraints”. (Imagine there is no additional energy, memory or cycles to use. You had to use what you have.)

If you have different opinions or ideas, please contact us!
Please pay attention to our meeting notice for more meetings!